Hey Folks… We are stoked to let you know, we are releasing the new album from BOY OMEGA in 2022 and currently we are working on the debut album of SIGGI THE KID.
BOY OMEGA is currently booking his tour in October 2021
WED, 13.10. Lübeck, Tonfink
THU, 14.10. Berlin, Schokoladen
FRI, 15.10. Braunschweig, Riptide
SAT, 16.10. Buxtehude, Deck 2
SUN, 17.10. Stuhr – Private Show
MON, 18.10. Day Off
TUE, 19.10. Dresden, Societätstheater
WED, 20.10. Help Needed!
THU, 21.10. Help needed!
FRI, 22.10. Bielefeld, Falkendom
SAT, 23.10. Lüneburg, Samowar
If you can help out, please get in touch with Martin: boyomega(at)gmail.com